Sunday, December 3, 2006

Warren Thayer and the Simpson development

Regarding Warren's statement (from yesterday's listserv posting):

"Just a minor point that was a big one to me for awhile, regarding the Simpson development, and trails through it - and why the Conservation Commission "didn't do anything" about it."

I certainly wasn't suggesting the Conservation Commission "didn't do anything" about the Simpson proposal nor that it should have done anything specific. I was simply pointing out that the permitting process suffers from the lack of formal procedures which would preview major projects for relevant town commissions such as Conservation and Corridor Enhancement. Without formal procedures of this kind the idea of collaborative development which coordinates a subdivision project with corridor enhancement and property conservation is a pipe dream.

Warren was an active participant in the early DRB hearings, but his individual participation is quite different than the Conservation Commission acting as an advisory committee with a formal role in development review. To that end,while a number of people have raised the idea that SDC will conserve part of the parcel in question and create a trail easement across that parcel, that has not yet been done, to my knowledge. It's important for those who want to see a trail easement in place to attend the remaining DRB hearings in this matter to make sure that becomes a condition of the final approval.

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