Monday, August 27, 2012

i vote no (Norwich ListServ)

I too plan to vote "no" on the tower bond tomorrow, not because I think a "no" vote actually matters, but precisely because it doesn't. 

It should be plain to anyone paying attention that we are simply going through the motions of democratic review of this tower.  The $275k figure was based on a tower design and ownership structure that a majority of the Selectboard abandoned weeks ago.  If the bond is approved, the Town Manager has conceded he doesn't need a third of the authorized figure.  If this bond is voted down, the Town Manager will no doubt find that $85k through grants elsewhere. 

Back in early July, at the Town Manager's urging, a majority of the Selectboard approved this bond language.  Linda Cook alone voted against it claiming, rightly it turns out, that it made no sense asking voters to assume debt without firm plans on how much would be needed or how it would be spent.  The majority that evening justified this bond-vote-without-a-plan as an opportunity for the public to weigh in on the overall tower proposal.  In the meantime, they decided everything themselves.  Ten days ago, I stood before the Selectboard and asked how this bond vote could provide a meaningful opportunity for the public to weigh in on the tower proposal if the tower specifics were already decided in their minds and the VTel contract makes the bond vote meaningless?  No one could say, but we're urged to vote "yes" nonetheless. 

Not me, I value my vote too highly.

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